just some of my opinions, thoughts, even some daily happenings of my life. I am usually very opinionated, as you may tell.
Oh, and the dates are not completely in order... but just flip over left and right, they are all pretty close. All the ones
in purple in the 3rd column are in order, the ones in all white are next to newest, and the ones in white with blue headings
are the most recent.
9/8/01 *Myths* 4/10/02 -
I've taken this part out. I've left this here, though, to acknowledge that I was a little... vicious about how I said things.
I wrote about how people who believe stories in the Bible are completely ignorant and foolish, and how those stories are all
myths. I just wanted to apologize for saything that. Although I still believe that to be true, I just explained it in a completely
unreasonable and ignorant fashion. Sorry. **Update** 12/28/01 (lol yes, a little late) *Religion* 4/10/02
- I've edited the following to be worded more kindly, and also added some things. I believe the truth is this: the
people who created those stories in the Bible, like about Adam and Eve, the 6th Day Creation, Noah's Arc, etc., did it to
either prove points and teach lessons, or they dreamt those things and somehow mistaken them to be true. They claim to have
spoken to God, but they probably just had dreams about speaking to their version of God, nothing more. Dreams are created
by us, like the directors to movies, that is all. If those people wrote the stories for moral purposes, I don't think those
people meant for us to think they were real and to take it all literally. To me it seems people would be a little more intelligent
than that.
I think there are basically three main purposes
of religion: 1. Providing people with a way of dealing with death. 2. Providing mindless individuals who cannot think
for themselves ideas on how to live their lives. 3. To explain things that back in those days, had no scientific explanations
and NOW do.
Two keywords that I would like to point out are MINDLESS
INDIVIDUALS. Many people (note I said many, not all) who strongly believe in certain religions are basically mindless. They've
been brainwashed into believing things before they were able to think for themselves, therefore believe it to be true. Now,
I am not saying I KNOW there is not a god. But what I do know is that there is absolutely no way possible to know if there
is one or not, and NO ONE can argue that. That is about the exact definition of Agnosticism. Having no exact conclusion on
whether you think a God exists or not... you cannot know. If you believe in God, faith is the only thing you have to back
it up. I can't prove god does not exist, just like I can't prove that tiny purple elephants don't exist. So why believe it?
Evolution or creationism. Whish do you belive? Or
do you beleive in both? Both is more reasonable... at least you know evolution does exist, but if you ONLY believe in creation
then I'm confused. There is so much evidence of evolution now, that it isn't a matter of whether you believe in it or not,
but whether you understand it or not. Where did everything come from? You may ask. You cannot get something from nothing.
What makes you think there ever was nothing? Maybe there was always something. Who knows? I personally lean toward this theory
about how life began: In the universe, there are certain chemicals, that if mixed together, and having the right elements
and environment, can create life. That is how I think life came to Earth. It seems the most likely to me. And because of this,
there is most likely other life in the universe. Anyway, there is no possible way of ever knowing where everything came from...
not today, anyway. But thinking some kind of god suddenly came up with everything in one day, well... I find that to be a
little rediculous. Be logical here. Now, people claim that the creation theory has evidence... if so, then it is not much.
But, here is the deal: With evolution, the evidence came first and resulted in the theory. With creation science, the theory
came before the evidence. Hmm, I wonder.
*Attack On America * Mom's Opinion * I deleted the things I put on the 11th. Anyway, yes, I am still angry
at the people in Afganistan and Pakistan for reacting the way they did when the tragedy happened, but I would not go so far
as to say I wanted them all to die. On the other hand, that is how my mom strongly feels. I was just talking to her about
it the other day. She said even their babies deserved to die. This is because all the people over there are evil, and their
kids would grow up to be the same, and we can't have that. She must not understand that not all of them are like that. I told
her I used to know a kid at school from Pakistan, and she said he should be dead. I told her he was nice and everything, but
she still thinks the same. I think she is very ignorant to say that, don't you? I mean, come on. She just keeps saying that
all of them are pure evil and need to die. That's just not right... but oh well. **UPDATE** 9/25 Mom's
opinion has changed since I wrote the above information. She was just angry at the time, I suppose. Anyway, she now knows
not all Muslims, etc., think badly of America.
9/13/01 *Scaredy Cats* Today
in my biology class, we went outside to capture some bugs (grasshoppers and such) and put them in a bottle. Well, something
that surprised me was how scared some people were of the bugs... my friend and I were running around catching grasshoppers
with our hands like no big deal, and quite a few of the other girls were scared to death of them! They would see one jump
like a foot away and they would scream and run away... what the hell? To me, these people are like, idiots! Why in the world
would you be THAT scared of a damn one-centimeter-long grasshopper? Doesn't make sense, unless you had some kind of traumatic
experience with grasshoppers, which I totally doubt these girls had. You know what is fun to do to people like that? Throw
bugs at them. I didn't, but I should have. I used to do that to this little girl years ago. I would open my hand to show some
kind of bug and she would take off screaming. Sometimes I would have nothing... just start walking up to her with my hands
closed to make it seem like I had something. She still ran. Lol... memories...
9/16/01 *Hell in Hello* Most people consider "hello" a friendly greeting. I see the word 'hell' in hello. It is disguised by the 'o',
but once you see it, it will slap you in the face. I am leading a campaign to take the "hell" out of "hello" and replace it
with "heaven." ... I AM KIDDING! Someone really does feel that way though (lol) if you want to see it go here:
*Dumbass* This pretty much goes with the idiot teachers sections. Anyway, this time it was my History teacher. Look at this word: Moksha. Look at it and say it. "Mock-sha".
Isn't difficult to pronounce. My teacher says Moska. There is a big difference there. How can you not see it? These teachers
are really getting on my nerves (and my mom's) with their stupidity. Well that's it. Peace.
9/21/01 *Dumbass Part 2* Hmm... yesterday, that same teacher said that same word again, and mispronounced it, once again.
No, he did not say moska this time, he said mosha. The damn word is MOKSHA! MOK FUCKING SHA! Not moska, nor mosha! He just
keeps coming up with new pronounciations, doesn't he? That is a rhetorical question by the way.
9/21/01 *Open House* Yesterday there was an open house thing at my school... your parent/s come and you walk through
all your classes so they can meet your teachers and what not. I asked my mom to come, but she refused because she knew she
would say something to my teachers about their stupidity.
10/1/01 *Have You Noticed?* Did
you know that today's date is written the same backwards and forwards? Well now you do. And did you know that the last time
that has happened was 70 years ago, when the date was 12-1-21? Well it was. And did you know that the next time the date will
be like that is 9 years from now, on 01-1-10? You do now. Quite similar to todays date. Anyway, I was sitting, doing my homework,
when I wrote the date and noticed it was all ones and zeros. Then I realized it was the same backwards and forwards. Then
I decided to figure out when it was last like that, and when it will be like that again. I would have gone further into the
past, or the future, but then I realized, why? Well, I admit it is kind of fun observing these things. I just thought I would
write it down. **Update** 11/12 Well, I found that that information isn't quite correct. Well, it is,
but take the date 01-1-10. I added an unnecessary zero in front of the one. So technically, it would be 1-1-01, which is not
the same backwards and forwards. That would be like saying 1-01-01 is the same backwards and forwards. It is, but there's
another unnecessary zero. Anyway, just clearing that up... for some reason.
10/5/01 *Name* My
english teacher. She says my last name SO wrong it is not even funny! She calls me Christel Vincent. It is Christel Vinot.
It is actually pronounced "Vee-no" with the accent over the first syllable. Now, I can understand being called "vee-not" or
"vi-not" because how are you supposed to konw the 't' is silent? But Vincent?! God damn! I write it as clear as day, I do
not see where the hell she gets Vincent from. I just had to get that out.
10/7/01 *Oh So Frightening* Codie and Brianna, you knew I was going to write about this, lol. Anyway, last night, Codie, Brianna, Michael,
Trenise ans I were walking around in the middle of the night, just chilling and talking. A couple of us decided we should
all go walking to speedway. The rest of them didn't want to, but we started off in that direction anyway. Well, we heard some
tires screeching and some of them were like "See, THAT is why we don't want to walk there!" Anyway, the truck that did the
screeching turned on the street we were on and everyone took off running in the front yard of some guys house, because they
were scared as hell of this car. Of course I ran with them, I mean, it was fun! Well, the person in the truck saw us running
frantically and they stopped and said something, no one heard what he said. Oh my god, the four of them were SSOO frightened!
The truck left, and then turned back around, and left again. Codie, Brianna, Michael, and Trenise were so scared that we all
had to wait in the guys driveway, just incase the truck came by again. Then, everyone was saying how scared they were and
how damn scarey this whole thing was. I was just standing, smiling, and watching them all while they freaked out. After a
while, we walked back home. That was not scarey at all... I mean, AT ALL. It was so funny though, how they were all so scared!
Anyway, later, we found out it was Codie and Brianna's dad's friend, Matthew. He thought it was hilarious and rediculous as
hell that we all (except me) were so scared. I do too! LoL
10/7/01 (again) *Cute Guy* At
Codie and Brianna's house, their dad had two Canadian guests over. They were in their twenties and one was very cute, we all
thought so. Then Codie and Bri saw his ear and totally flipped out! He had a little tumor like object on his ear... I mean
it wasn't a big thing or anything. They secretly called him Pimple Ear. They thought it was so disguisting and all... my god!
What the hell is the big ass deal? Made absolutely no difference to me. Oh, and he had a fake ID to get into a strip club
and Codie put some mascara on his eyebrows to make him look more like the picture. He didn't get in, though. Well, that's
10/26/01 *Help Me* That same teacher again. (History teacher.) He totally blew me away with his stupidity today. The word was GAUIS.
I admit, I am not quite sure how to pronounce that. But I know for a fact, that he said it completely wrong. He said GASEOUS.
Gaseous is a word, but it is not GAUIS! What the hell?! Where can you possible get gaseous from gauis? Just because it starts
with a 'g' ? Okay, that is like thinking every word that starts with the same letter is the same. Um... it is not! Jesus Christ...
okay, here's another one for you. This word is TRIUMVIRATE. He said TRIUMVENT. There is no fucking 'n' in that word! The ending
is v i r a t e . Not v e n t . What a damn idiot! He is making the dumbass students think that is correct, and they are pronouncing
the words the same as him. Oh, just because he is the teacher, he MUST be correct. If the students cannot see how wrong the
words are the teacher is saying, then they are equally moronic.
11/27/01 *Dumbass Part 3* Yes,
another story about my dumbass history teacher. The words he mispronounced today were Carolingian (caro-lihn-jun) and Merovingian
(mare-o-vin-jun) which he pronounced as Carloginian and Merovinian. It is like he did not even see the "g" in Merovingian.
Damn... what did I do to deserve this?
12/13/01 *Funny Things (maybe)* This is something I just found quite funny. My mom is sending some relatives a big picture (of
the two of us) in a frame. She accidently broke it, but she is still going to send it, and just tell them that it probably
broke in the mail. It does not seem too funny now, but when my mom told me we were laughing like hell... another funny thing
today, I was walking down the crouded hall at school and stepped on a chip. I heard it crunch and looked back at it... damn
it was so funny, I don't know why. I started laughing in the hall like a retard. While I'm at it, in homeroom, these two guys
that sit near the back room are always yelling these things really loud. The teacher's name is Mrs. Stumpf and the yell things
(covering their mouths, to muffle it) like "Stumpf nuts!", "Stumpf sex!", "saggy titties!", "penis!" and things of that nature...
and I mean LOUD. She unbelievably must not hear them... I cannot see how, though. And there is this funny girl in my English
class, that always says weird things that do not make sense. She is always telling her friends things like "Oh, so you go
out with Roast?" And she makes up names of guys, like Kaleidoscope and Kroger. And today her friend had on an orange shirt,
so she was like "Shut your tangerine mouth!..." and she had on an orange shirt as well, and said it was the color of her school
bus (which is not that dark an orange) and people were like "You must ride the slow bus!" And she was like "No, it's a big
bus!" And they were all being extremely loud and the old senile teacher was like "Why do you have to be so loud!" and the
girl was like "They are talking about my bus!" DAMN and she said the girl with the orange shirt looked like a desert. She
is so weird and funny.. well, from what I wrote it probably sounds stupid as hell but you would have to be there. Yo mamma
is so fat and black, she jumped into the ocean and people thought she was an oil spill :)
12/16/01 *School Buses* Why do people call them yellow? If anything they are orange. Maybe not pure orange, but more oraNge than yellow.
Orange-yellow, you could say. But come on, then are not even near the color of bright pure regular yellow. They are more orange!
This is yellow.
This is orange.

What color does this school bus look like to you?
*What You Don't Know, Can't Hurt You* That is
a very true statement... yet also very false. I mean, if someone put poison in your drink without you knowing, of course it
would hurt you. But say you think the dishes in the dishwasher were clean, when they were really dirty. You use a dirty fork.
You don't know it is dirty, and if you never will know, then it did no harm. The only thing that would make that gross is
if you knew in your mind at the time that the fork was in fact dirty. "What you don't know can't hurt you" is my motto. Sometimes
when I go get my mom a drink, I'll drink some out of the cup. She probably woudn't mind even if she knew, but since she doesn't
know it makes no difference. My friend leaves her body wash over here by accident. I'll use a little, it's not like she will
ever find out. And I could go on and on. I even do it to myself. Just a few minutes ago I looked in the dishwasher, trying
to distinquish whether the dishes were clean or not. I couldn't tell, but just told myself they were clean. If they were dirty,
makes no difference because I told myself they were clean, and believed it. I do that quite often to myself, actually. I sure
GOD!! The people
in my biology class are so, so, SO immature and STUPID! We watched a simple, slightly lame movie about reptiles today and
it was as if a bunch of 5-year-olds were watching a gruesome horror movie. "Oh my god!! Ewww! Look at the snake! It's crawling!!!"
"That's disguisting! I can't look at this!" And yes, one girl turned away when the movie showed little snakes crawling around.
They don't shut up in that class, they can't handle anything! Yesterday we watched a movie about amphibians. "Eww it's so
ugly!" "Gross! It's all wet!" Jesus! Get a freakin' grip, they are only animals!
One highly religious senior in that class always
says something about certain animals being satanic. He's like, "Why are those so vicious? They must be possessed by the Devil..."
And the girl who says everything is disguisting... snakes, frogs, bugs, they are all repulsive too her. I just want to say,
"Hey, they are all "God's" creatures, right? You disrespect his creations, you disrespect him. You must not like God, then,
since you are disrespecting him and his creations." Hehe, I'd like to see her reaction to that.
*These People Exist*
"Hey, you would be really hot, if only you had boobs." "Go to hell." "You
go to hell, and grow some boobs while you're there, bitch."
"Hi, where are you from?" "Georgia." "Hi, where are you from?" "You just asked that." "Well I'm asking again." "Why? I answered." "I
forgot dumbass." "Perhaps you should take some of your memory pills." "Perhaps you should
ram a cock up your ass, slut."
These are real conversations. Both of which I had today. How can people like this exist in out society?
There are plenty of "evil" acts that I can accept and tolerate, and of which I do myself, but people like this really make
me upset. I hope very bad things happen to them. Very bad.
morons, morons, morons, morons, morons. I can't stop thinking about morons and idiots. All these moronic idiots and idiotic
morons... jesus christ I'm going crazy. I'm going to fucking kill myself because of all you fucking idiots. Unless you have
some kind of mental disorder, there is no excuse. Okay. I was talking to this
18-year-old male the other day. He spelled actually as accutally. I thought it was a typo... but then soon realized it was
not. I told him, "Can't you see the 2 words would be pronounced totally different? Accutally would be "ack-oo-tally". He started
talking about how online people speak informally and spell things the way they sound. That in NO way applies to this! NO one
says ack-oo-tally! Then he asked, "Okay, if you are so smart..." and he asked me a trivia-type question about ancient history.
I told him, "I don't know, but the importance of knowing a lot of useless historical facts is much less important than knowing
the simple spelling of a simple, everyday word." And get this. He said MOST people would not know how to spell the word ACTUALLY!
He said at least half of americans would not, and that everyone he knows would probably misspell it the first time. What kind
of idiot-filled world does he live in? I don't understand... I don't understand why
so many people are so fucking stupid. IS IT JUST ME? Me and just a select few others. Some seem to understand my pain. But
all the rest... something is wrong with their brains. Or perhaps something is wrong with mine... but the reverse effect. No...
they are all just complete idiots. Everyone does this... fucking morons. Many people,
INCLUDING my previous math teacher, pronounce the word height with a "th" sound at the end. "Heighth". The word ends with
a fucking T sound, like kite. It is pronounced HITE. Get it? If you pronounce it with a "th" then get it straight you moron.
You are wrong, and an idiot for it.
UPDATE 6/4/03
Notice that this update is almost exactly a year later from the
"morons" post. I was just reading through these entries, and especially with this morons one... damn, Christel. Do you really
have to cuss so much? That's horrible dude. I was evil. But if you think the previous post is evil, read the next one. Dead
rotting bodies and mass-killing fantasies. I had so much anger. I'm quite glad those days are over. I don't feel that way
anymore... really. I'm a nice person.
11/20/02 *Invisible*
Seriously, I must be invisible. Either that or people are purposefully trying to make me miserable and piss me off.
For instance, I will use today as an example. After school, I go out front and wait for my second load bus to come. I have
to wait for about 15-20 minutes, so I usually sit down on the curb and do homework, or just stare into space. Well today I
found a nice place to sit with a wide empty range of no people around me, so I figured it was "safe". (You don't want to sit
where a bunch of people are standing, that's in invitation to get stepped all over and crowded in.) So I started doing my
anatomy homework. After a short while, these 2 girls walk by and happen to stop right
in front of me and they start chetting with eachother. RIGHT in front of me, towering over my head. Did they not notice I
was there? There was a shit load of empty space all around, but they just happened to stop right there to talk. Okay, fine...
it's not like I need a good view, since I was doing homework. So, they had many other
friends come over. Every few minutes someone else would come over. Soon I was surrounded with a person on each side of me,
360º, all less than a foot from me. They were all facing inward the small circle talking to eachother, with me in the middle.
Okay... um... could they not see there is a girl sitting there trying to do her homework? Why were they standing around towering
above me? Why there? I MUST have been invisible. There's no other explanation. Or
maybe they are all just against me... they just want to vex the shit out of me, being the disrespectful bunch of asinine idiots
they are. And the reason I keep mentioning them being black is because you know how many black people are so rowdy, loud,
spastic in their movements, and the list goes on. Especially when they laugh.. they spas out all over the damn place. Jesus.
Not only was I crouded in to a tiny, claustrophobic area, but people were walking into me, tripping over me, stepping on me,
and hitting me with shit by "accident". One person said he was sorry... no, not because of something he did, but because the
girl beside me had swung her purse and hit me in the head. Not the first time that happened. I've also been hit in the head
with bookbags. Seriously. Something's not right here. Am I actually invisible? Jesus
fucking christ. I don't get it. If I had a gun with me, I would have shot at least one of those morons. No, I'm not joking.
And yes, I know the consequences... but I think it's worth it. To finally get some kind of revenge. Those disrespectful sons
of bitches deserve to die, and the world would be a much better place with their dead bodies rotting in the ground with millions
of people stepping all over them, no one giving a damn. Forgotton forever... that's what they deserve.
Then on the bus, this boy sitS by me. He's not black, but equally as vexatious as they come. Such a superficial, shallow little
boy as well. Well, he starts looking through my purse. WHY CAN'T PEOPLE LEAVE ME
THE FUCK ALONE? I slightly snapped on him... well, it was a snap for me. I never snap on people, no matter how much they piss
me off. I just deal with it... even though I'd be screaming for mercy inside, yelling out every cuss word I can possible think
of and fantasizing about wonderful mass-killing scenerios. Ugh... how I want to kill.
So he left me alone. He pesters me all the time. So do many people. I just want to be left alone by these people, jesus. Can't
they see it doesn't amuse me? I give dirty looks on purpose, to make them leave me alone.
But I don't feel this way toward everyone. For instance, I love everyone in my orchestra class. No one in there bothers me
one bit. I like when they play around and talk to me, I like them. They are very respectful people, and incredibly nice. God
I love them so fucking much... most of them are seniors and will be gone next year. That saddens me to a great extent.
Anyway, I'm missing South Park. Bye.
*The Idiots in This World* Well one thing I can't stand is how stupid some people are. I mean... especially
teachers. I live in georgia, and as everyone knows we have some stupid ass teachers here... now I'm not saying they are all
stupid, but a whole lot are. My english teacher this year mispronounces a lot of words... I mean come on they are not that
hard! A couple that come to mind are ignominious and pestiferous. Even a student should be able to say those, and if you can't
then you are pretty stupid. Well, at first glance you may say ignominious wrong, but when you really look at it you will know.
Anyway, if you think she is dumb then you haven't seen anything yet. In 7th grade I had this teacher in reading. She was the
absolute stupidest PERSON I have ever met. I mean, she is nice, but she's a freakin idiot. She could not pronounce simple
3 letter words... in that class we were doing s phonics program. No, we weren't stupid (well, most of them were) but it was
just to help us. My teacher said "We can all read simple 3 letter words because we have seen them and memorized them before.
Now let's see if we would be able to read 3 letter words that we have never seen before." And they were just made up words
like lin and fip. Jesus christ! Would you believe she had trouble saying those, and so did the students?! Oh my fucking god
I could not believe it! You don't learn words by memorizing them, you learn them by knowing how to fucking read! I mean...
sometimes I would sit in that class, trying not to cry, seriously. I just wanted to shout out "What the hell is wrong with
you people?! How the hell is it even possible to be that dumb?!" How IS it possible, anyway? People that stupid have to have
some kind of brain problems because it is just not possible. Anyway, enough on that. I can't stand stupid people so if you
are stupid don't talk to me!
9/10/01 *Teacher's
Mistake* Today we were going over our vocabulary
in english and I caught my teacher on another mistake. This time she spelled one of the words wrong on the list... I had noticed
when I looked up the words for homework... for some reason I was the only one who noticed. I looked up the word and there
was no such thing, but I found one that was exactly like it but with a letter missing. Anyway I told her and she went to go
look it up with her slow self. Lol I am so mean! She's like an old lady... she kind of reminds me of my grandma... lol.
9/18/01 *More Idiots* I don't
know what it is but people are so stupid! Well another thing happened in English yesterday. This time it was the students
who were the idiots. One of our vocabulary words was paroxysm. That is not hard to say. The teacher pronounced it (correctly)
for the class, yet people continued to raise their hand and ask for the pronounciation several times... this one girl tried
to say it a few times, but it took her a while before she actually got it. Lol why are these people so stupid? I seriously
don't understand it. I tell my mom about these things and she thinks it is totally unbelievable that these people are so idiotic.
I know it's not because I am somehow extremely smart, they are just idiots. Just imagin, these people are our future!
9/25/01 *Lynx* Just incase you did not know what a lynx is, it is a type of cat. Anyway, you probably know how to pronouce
it. Like 'links'. My friend in my sixth period class calls it a 'linch'. I corrected her on it, but she still calls it a linch.
I don't know, maybe she forgot or something. I don't want to diss her or anything, since she is my friend, but it still kind
of bothers me that she pronouces lynx like linch. It is actually a little amusing. Well I suppose that is all for today. Later.
10/1/01 *Senile?* You can easily sound out the word odorophonics. Oh-dor-oh-phonics, correct?
My english teacher pronounced it ordophonics. Or-doh-phonics. I think maybe she is senile with age. I mean, if you have read
all my entries on this page then you have seen how many times she has, well, been stupid. I think she is retiring in a couple
years. She needs too right freaking now.
*One Minute Behind* This is just something
bizarre I was thinking about today. What if the images your eyes saw did not get signaled to your brain until a minute has
passed, and the same with your hearing. You heard and saw everything a minute late. Think about it... you are sitting in class
at school, and the bell rings. Everyone flies out of their seats and rushes out of the room. But since you see and hear a
minute late, you do not see this. Everyone is still seated, going on with their business. After a minute has passed, then
you hear the bell and see all the people (which are now imaginary) rush out of the room. You get up and go to the door, but
run right into it, although it is open, in your head. Here is another example. Think of yourself walking through the crouded
hall at school (seeing and hearing everything a minute late, of course.) The people you are seeing were actually there one
minute ago, so you are constantly running into people, but you cannot see them. The people you do see, you pass right through
them, since they are not really there anymore. It is like being blind. You have no idea where everyone is and run into people.
How bizarre would that be?
11/21/01 *Minds*
I was thinking... there are some people who
only think in pictures. They do not say things in their minds... they only think in pictures. That seems impossible. When
you are talking to someone, how do you know what you are going to say without thinking about it first? I guess you just say
it... but how do you think at all? How can you write a letter... you cannot write it from pictures. You would have to say
things outloud, I guess... I still don't get it. And what about animals? I turn to look at my cat, which triggers a meow.
She comes up and jumps into my lap and starts purring... what is she thinking? Or the question is, HOW is she thinking? She
does not know English... does she have some kind of secret language? Meows, perhaps... but how could you possibly think with
just meows? How does she think, "Hey, she just looked at me... she must want me to come over, so here I go!" By just looking
and knowing? It is hard for me to explain this... minds are just the strangest things.
11/24/01 *Absolute Morons* On the news, this one guy asked this other guy, "Why do you wear your (pin or something) on your
jacket?" When what he really meant was, "Why don't you where it on shirt, instead of your jacket?" And he did not even realize
he asked it in such a stupid way. The guy's answer to why he wore it on his jacket was because it made him proud. The other
guy didn't understand why he gave that answer. If he had asked the question the right way, he would have gotten the answer
he expected. Another dumbass is Sally Jesse Raphael. On one show, there was this couple. I forget what it was all about but
I remember the guy saying, "You don't necessarily have to have kids when you are married." Which I agree with, obviously.
Well, stupid Sally misunderstood him. She replied with this: "See, I disagree. I think you should be married to have kids.
You should not have them unless you are married..." blah blah blah... lol Sally, that is not what he was talking about, idiot!
Damn... morons.
1/8/02 *Whoa* Yes, whoa. Lately I have been seeing people spell it "woah." It's spelled
whoa, okay?
1/31/02 *Oh my GOD what
IDIOTS!* You know the word conquistadors,
right? My history teacher pronounces it "coquistadors," without the 'n' and the 'o' having the long o sound. What a fucking
idiot! Oh oh, and there was this dude's name in our history book... his last name was Pizarro. Several students in the class
pronounced it "Parizzo." Parizzo?! GOD WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU IDIOTS?! Well, not you, but them! Ugh! Fuckers! STOP BEING SO
2/4/02 *Teacher of Stupidity*
Today in class we were doing an analogy. Dance
: Tango :: ?
Two of the answers were: 1. Fruit : Mango 2. Play : Violin
To my knowledge, both of those
could be the answer. If you said the Tango is a type of dance, then a mango is a type of fruit. Therefore, the first choice
is the answer. But, you could also say that you could dance the Tengo... you can play the violin. The second choice could
also be the answer, am I right? My teacher insisted that the first choice was the only answer, and everyone in the class agreed
(being the mindless zombies that they are) except for one boy. He pointed out the possibility of the second answer. The teacher
kept telling him, "The Tango is a type of dance, is the violin a type of play? No!" And she would not let him explain that
dance could be used as a verb, not a noun. She does that a lot... just cutting people off and not listening to them. God what
an idiot. She usually only does that when she knows she is wrong, but this time I don't even think she knew... oh well.
10/1/02 *An Actual, REAL Journal Entry*
Wow, I have no life. Well, technically we all have lives, because we are all living, but of course I'm not speaking of it
in that sense. Every day I come home after school and play Donkey Kong and watch TV. I only talk to about 3 people online
sometimes and I never talk on the phone. There is really only one person I talk to on a regular basis at school. I really
take no part in my current friends' lives, as they are always busy, but of course I know it's mainly because of the job. They
can't help their hectic lives. I'd get a job, but I don't use money. I don't buy
things... I don't want things. For the past couple of years when my mom asks what I want for Christmas and my birthday I say
I want nothing. There is really nothing I want... but of course she gets me stuff anyway. But we are poor, so I figure it's
best not to spend it on useless things for me that I don't need. We are really in a money bind now, though. With our first
payment for my school trip to Orlando, we can't really buy any food for a while, much less anything else. We only get one
social security check now, I don't really know how long that's been going on, but it sucks. We are going to try to get food
stamps again. Woohoo! And I've been needing to get reduced or free lunches at school, but I've always felt to weird to ask
for a form. Damn me. Geez... I envy people with friends. Friends close to home that
you can see every day. If you are bored, you can just walk on over to their house. You often get unplanned surprise visits.
Damn it. It used to be like that when I was little. Those were the days. I'm afraid I will remain completely alone forever.
Can't I at least have a brother or a sister? Why must I be an only child? Jesus christ. At least I have school. I'd be dead
if I didn't have school to go to. There is no point in living when there are no people in your life, when everything you do
is only for yourself and no one else to witness. What's the point of making art and music and other shit if you are the only
one who will see or hear it? God I want to go somewhere with someone. Anywhere. A
restaurant, the movies, the street, anywhere! I'm isolated in my stupid loneliness. Mom is never here. She's always at her
boyfriend's house. She spends the night there, and I don't see her in the morning. I only see her when I get home from school,
but then she leaves after a while to begin the cycle again. I talk to myself all
the time... I sometimes have very meaningful conversations with myself. I suppose it's because I have no actual people to
talk to, so I have to talk to myself. I can give myself great advice sometimes. You just don't know how meaningful it is to
talk with yourself until you actually do it a lot. You can answer unanswered questions, realize the pros and cons to certain
things that you would have never thought about before. It really is like 2 different people.
Wow, a real journal entry. I'm just extremely bored. I need to find another book to read. I just finished Getting Back. I
started it months ago and stopped because it got boring... but then I started it back up again and all the action started
happening. I read it for the 25 minutes of freetime I had at school in the morning. My bus gets there so early. But since
I finished that book and had nothing to do in that freetime (besides all my homework if I had any) I started writing a kind
of... sequel to Getting Back. It's 2 full pages long so far (front and back) and actually I don't really like it. At least
it's something to do. Oh well, the end. I hope no one reads this.
and Update*
As you may know, there are many, many entries in here about "idiots" and "morons". Those were all during my 10th grade
year in high school, now I'm in 12th. About to be, anyway. I just wanted to say that during my 11th grade year, I didn't have
nearly as many idiot teacher problems as I did in 10th grade. I didn't really have any problems at all. So 10th grade was
just a very unlucky year, teacher wise. I just want to say thanks to all my teachers this previous year... you're not stupid!
I am somewhat ashamed of a lot of those entries though, about idiots, because it makes it seem like I tihnk I'm some sort
of genius prodigy. I'm not. I just notice when people can spell or pronounce things very, very wrong. I'm just good with words
I guess. That makes up for my weakness in math, so it all works out. Anyway, what's
new? It's been a while since I wrote in here. I have a boyfriend who I love. Sid. Since I've been with him, my attitude towards
the world and people has changed quite a bit, in a good way. I don't feel isolated and apart from the world anymore. He's
opened me up to new things, and brought me out of my slight depression of loneliness. I never new how good it could feel having
someone there who cares about you, and you can do the same for them. Well I don't want to get all teary or anything so I'll
stop here. I love you Sid.
Tragic End*
Today was perhaps the last day I'll ever see Sid again for a very long time. We broke up last night over the phone... I just
had to see him again so I asked him to come over today. I didn't quite understand why he didn't want to see me... but now
I do. Still, I'm glad he came... as depressing as it was. It wasn't an angry break up, but a mutual, sad one... very, very
sad. We knew our relationship couldn't work because of our extreme contrast in beliefs. I didn't think it would hurt this
much... I knew we would break up, but had no idea it would be like this. I make bad assumptions about what I would feel like
if something happened. For instance, before me dad died I remember telling myself, "If he died... I wouldn't care. I wouldn't
cry at all... I just wouldn't care." And I was completely serious. To this day I can't understand how I was serious when thinking
that. And when the time actually came, the outcome was the extreme opposite of what I thought.
And the same thing has happened again... sort of. I lost someone else I loved. I didn't realize so many things until it was
over. I just think of all the good times... big and small, and I can't believe that is over. Before Sid, I was just lonely
little Christel who was alone all the time doing her own thing. I didn't really mind it, only because I didn't know anything
else. But then Sid came and my life completely changed. First of all I would have never imagined having a boyfriend that soon
in my life.. it was the most bizarre thing that had ever happened to me. And then the relationship went on... and I got used
to that lifestyle. And I learned so much from Sid. He changed my outlook on life and a part of me personality as well. I'm
a new person because of him. And it's like... during the time we were together, it was like time came to a blissful stop.
Now, suddenly, time has continued on... it started in exactly the same place I left it. And now it's horrible. I don't want
to go back to the way I was. Lonely and taciturn, distant from the world. I have nothing to look forward to anymore. This
summer has about 5 weeks left. 5 weeks of torture. I will do absolutely nothing. I have absolutely nothing to do, no one to
see. Life is back to normal.
Whoa I didn't intend to write about all that. I can't imagin the pain he must feel also. It just makes me want to die.
He told me not to look at it as an end, but a new beginning. But a new beginning to what? It's a complete end... it's all
over. For now. There's nothing new to begin except the continuation of my shitty life. It wasn't so shitty to me before but
like I said, that was before I realized how great it could otherwise be. Anyway... I'll get back to my miserably lonesome
life of nothing.
*What Can I Say?* I mentioned before of
how my history teacher pronounced "carolingian" as "carloginian" but this time, he wrote it on the board, and spelled it the
way he pronounced it. I had my history book open, looking at the word "carolingian" and looked up at the board at "carloginian."
I can't believed he spelled it how he said it. Ugh, the ignorance! Wait... no, not ignorance, STUPIDITY!
2/10/02 *Knowledge* I've noticed something quite odd about the way I speak in my head and while typing, opposed to
offline. Typing/writing, I tend to have pretty good grammar, and speak correctly. My vocabulary tends to be very good as well.
Same goes for when I think to myself. I find myself saying big words that just naturally pop out... in "real life" I don't
say things like that... often, anyway. I even tend to speak incorrectly, such as saying something like, "No she don't!" If
I were to type that online, I would not even think about saying "don't," I would just naturally say "doesn't." It would just
sound totally weird and off. I wonder why when I normally speak to my friends or mom, an incorrect word would just naturally
pop out. I always think about it right after I say it though, and wonder, "Damn! Why the hell did I say that? I know if I
was thinking to myself or typing, I would not even think to say that." It pisses me off... I can't express my intelligence
to the world as I can online and in writing. I have been waiting for an opportunity to write something for school... but there
hasn't been one. I have had absolutely no writing projects/assignments all year. But two are coming... yes, two! But not exactly
what I want... I wish we could choose any topic to write about... that would be an absolute dream. But they are just research
papers, having to be about a specific topic the teacher gives us. I have always wanted people to think I was super intelligent...
I have always wanted to speak with such correctness, and have people in awe with my vocabulary. Just doesn't happen. Every
once in a while, but not often, like I long for it to be. Sometimes I stay up for almost hours at times, talking to myself
at night... wishing someone could hear me, because of how intelligently I speak when I am by myself. I wish I knew everything...
that is why I have my never ending "Quest to Success" as I call it... always doing unnecessary research online, looking shit
up just for the knowledge of it. I want to know everything! Name a subject, and I could tell you almost everything about it.
Hey, I'm getting close. Maybe someday I'll get there... or pretty damn close. Ugh... I'm frustrated. IGNORANCE IS BLISS. Remember
that. It's the truest thing you will ever hear.
2/12/02 *Animal Farm* I posted
this in a forum at, and thought I might as well put it here too: Has anyone read the novel, "Animal Farm"?
I think there is a movie too. I have read most of it. Anyway, I don't think the book is meant to have to do with anything
religious, but I think the animals on the farm are just like many of the people in this world who believe in God. Napoleon,
the pig, soon becomes the "leader" of Animal Farm... (note that the animals have human characteristics.) After a while, he
has the animals brainwashed into thinking that everything good that happens is because of him. Example: a hen lays 5 eggs
in 6 eggs and says, "Thanks of Napoleon, I have layed 5 eggs in 6 days!" Obviously Napoleon had nothing to do with the number
of eggs she laid, it just happened. Most all the animals on the farm said things like that. It is just like how people say
things like, "I survived this plane crash, all thanks to God!" And people believe that all the "miracles" that happen are
the work of God. No, things just happen. That is why many religious people who believe in God remind me of the brainwashed
animals of "Animal Farm".
2/11/02 *Explanations*
Religion was created to explain how things came
to be, and to fill the emptyness in people's lives. They were too lazy to try to really figure things out, so they made up
their own little stories, including God and the rediculous theory that he created the earth and all that is in existance today.
"God gave me brown hair." No he didn't genetics did. "God saved me during the shooting." No he didn't, it just happened by
chance. It was all made up to explain everything in this world. It just all happened to catch on over hundreds of years, because
people were brainwashed as they were raised. Only the most intelligent stray off and try to figure things out for their own.
They don't except blind beliefs... they are curious to know what is really real. Africans made up explanation stories as well...
how the elephant got its trunk, how the bird got its beak, etc. They are obviously not true, just made up to give people some
explanations, just like many of todays religions. Hopefully, religions such as Christianity today will soon become non-existant,
like the mythical Greek Gods back in Ancient Rome. We now know those gods were just made up and created. Soon, maybe, people
will figure out such people as God, (the guy in the beard and long, flowing robe) are myths as well. Why people believe in
mythical things, I'll never know.
So many people spell wondering as wandering.
"Oh, I was wandering if..." It's wondering, geez. I even saw someone say this once, "My mind was just wondering off." In that
case, it is wandering. This is not hard, people. Learn to spell!
*Perhaps I'm Going Crazy*
I was just reading over this page, and realized
a huge ass majority of it is about idiots and how I cannot stand them and how much they stress me out and how I cannot understand
how it is possisle for people to be so god damn stupid, (please excuse my run-on sentence.) And if I let this rule my life,
I am going to go crazy. I just can't stand it... no matter how hard I try... stupid people are the majority. I need to learn
to deal with that. But I can't! Why does it have to be this way?! I wonder ever so much if it's the person's fault for being
so moronic or if they truly cannot help it... it's just their brain. I'll never know... or perhaps I will, one day. I just
don't undertand it... I don't get how an individual can be so highly stupid, so brainwashed, so unable to think for themselves
and to just go with whatever they hear, so idiotic in common sense, logic, spelling easy as shit words, pronouncing easy as
shit words... PRONOUNCING PIZARRO AS PARIZZO! God damn these fuckers! What is wrong with their brains? Why? WHY? Shit! What?
Ugh! Sure, people are able to make simple mistakes, as long as they realize it afterword. And when I say stupid people, I
don't mean if you ask them about extremophiles and they have no idea what the hell those are, then they are just total idiots...
no, that is just mere ignorance, not stupidity. It truly isn't their fault if they have no idea what a virtuoso is or if they
can't explain what a chimera is and how it works, or if in fact they don't know the meaning of antidisestablishmentarianism.
Now if you can't spell it, then there is a problem. Believe it or not, that is not a hard word to spell. Anyway, I'm
talking... well, you know waht I'm talking about, I'm not going to repeat myself. A 15 year old not knowing what menopause
is... what is up with that? (Eh hem... sorry to the person who didn't know, if you read this.) Anyway, that is my steam let-out
for today. Have a nice day!
3/1/02 *Obnoxiousness
and Annoyance* In my last period class, all these black girls kept singing church songs... about the lord and
shit. It was so damn annoying, people were trying to do their work, and they were SO FUCKING LOUD. This one girl, the loudest
most obnoxious girl I've ever met, is the most ignorant and prejudice girl ever. She is always dissing white people, saying
things like "Where would ya'll be wifout black folk? We invented irons, blah blah blah..." You must imagine her speaking with
a highly ebonical accent. lol well white people pretty much created this nation. I've only heard her say one good thing about
white people, and it was about our conditioner. I hate how she talks... she leaves off the 's' on the end of every word that
ends with an 's'. She pronounces ignorant as 'ignent'. She calls cheese chee... Dr. Suess Dr. sue... (just gathering examples
from today.) She laughs so horribly annoying and she has a huge-ass attitude about everything. She never stops talking, it
hurts my ears. Oh, and she sits right behind me. Sometimes she will go into a violent, spastic laughter and kick my chair.
I don't think I have disliked someone so much... that I rarely even talk to. I have plenty of tolerance for other loud, obnoxious
people, but it's just something about her. Ironically I'm nice to her, as in if she were to talk to me. Going back, I hate
those damn lord Jesus songs... ugh, horrible.
3/9/02 *Super
Extreme Dumbass* Another saddening story about my dumbass history teacher. Okay, well, one of the people we were
learning about had the last name of Bolivar, yet my teacher continued to call him Boliviar. We even watched a video, and the
guy on the video said Bolivar... I would think that my teacher would learn from that, but he didn't. Oh, and it gets worse.
On our test, he even SPELLED it Boliviar, as he says it! Jesus what a fucking retard.
*Stupid, Gullible Pushovers*
One thing that I really dislike sometimes about
my school is that a lot of the time things are not planned and set... they are just so spontanious. Things such as tests and
when things are due. Teachers postpone and change the dates of everything. One specific case that really pissed me off is
that in Spanish, we were suppose to have a test on the last day before spring break. It had been planned for more than a week.
See, this is how I study (when necessary): Right before the test. Either in the class before, in the morning sometime, or
during that class right before the test is passed out. I remember things much better that way and think it is just a waste
of time studying things days before. Anyway, I was all ready for the test... during class, students were complaining to the
teacher saying things like, "Oh come on, you don't want to give us the test!" And after a few minutes, the teacher gave in
and didn't give us the test. I though, big fuckin mistake... she would give it to us when we got back from spring break. Hello?!
We will have forgotten everything by then! So anyway, we just watched a movie the rest of the period. Today was the first
day back to school after spring break. She was about to give us the test... which I had forgotten about and forgotten everything
that was going to be on it... but thankfully she didn't give it to us today, we just reviewed for it which will be tomorrow.
Just imagin, if she had givin it to us when she was freakin supposed to, we would not be two damn days behind and it would
all be over. Some teachers let students do whatever they want and get there way. I hate it. But there are some teachers that
are powerful and have a nice, steady class and do everything on schedule. That can be boring and routine, but at least it
isn't really stressful and frustrating. Anyway, that is just another reason why I really dislike my school. Our teachers are
stupid, gullible pushovers... bastards.
4/10/02 *Aliens are
From the Future!* Recently I was reading up on time travel. I found a very interesting theory... while a tad far-fetched,
I found it cool, lol. Well, here it is: Those so-called aliens that we are always hearing about aren't exactly what we
think. The theory says that they are humans from the future. Let me explain. Far, far, far, far, FAR in the future, after
having colonized on other planets and having lived on them for tens of thousands of years, we will have invented time travel.
With this time travel, we will come back to the past (which is today, the present) and the UFO's and aliens people see are
those humans from the future. The future people may have come here out of curiosity, to get things needed, or whatever. But
why, you may ask, are these alien people so bizarre looking and different looking from humans? Well, as people who have claimed
to have encountered these aliens explain, they have very small and scrawny bodies. This would be because in the future, we
have machines to do all the work for us... we would seldom need to use our own physical strength. The big eyes are because
of either too much pollution (little light passes through) or the planet is rather far from the sun... or whatever sun they
may have. They have such big heads and don't orally communicate because of increased brain use.
That pretty much sums it up. Interesting theory
*Too Much... Just Too Much...*
Jesus... yet another entry about my stupid-ass
history teacher. This time the word he mispronounced was risogemento. He mispronounced it as resemento. Does he not see the
'g'? Hahaha... oh, oh! He also made another mistake which someone in the class ACTUALLY CORRECTED HIM ON! That has NEVER happened
before! We were talking about the country Libya, which he pronounced as Liberia... a totally different country. Someone said,
"Liberia? Don't you mean Libya? Liberia doesn't have anything to do with..." whatever... and that was the first time I've
ever seen him corrected. Muy interesante :) Keep in mind that I don't talk about every mistake he or any of my other teachers
(the idiot ones, of course) make. The things I talk about on this page are just the more vivid idiot teacher mistakes that
I remember after a day at school. If I wrote about all their mistakes... (actually, I should just call it their plain stupidity),
then this page would be a mile long. That's all. Byebye :)
4/14/02 *Shoes* What
is the big deal about shoes? Why do people like shoes so much? People feel as if they must get shoes over $50 or... jesus
I don't know. THEY'RE JUST SHOES, PEOPLE, GET IT IN YOUR HEAD! No one freaking looks down at your damn shoes and envies you
because of them. Decent people don't look down at everyone's shoes and determine what kind of person you are because of your
shoes. People who take note of what kind of shoes someone is wearing are just shallow and moronic. People who voluntarily
get shoes over $100 are absolutely pathetic. Someone who cares so much about shoes that they have to buy them over $100 is
sad. And waht makes it even MORE pathetic is that these people get a new pair each month! And what increases the patheticness
of this is that they have a pair to match everything they wear! Geez! I have one pair of sandals and one pair of regular shoes.
Both were under $20 and are perfectly decent. I get about one pair of shoes a year and I just got new sandals... my first
new pair since I was in 5th grade. Yes, they lasted that long and I've always had big feet. I just don't understand this shoe
craze. Who the fuck cares?! And if you do, then I feel extremely sorry for you.
4/23/02 *Squid* We dissected squids yesterday at school. Everyone thought they were so disgusting...
and they were... at first. They smelled really bad and all. After we did some cutting and stuff, it started to look quite
appetizing. It looked like beautiful chicken... I swear I almost went down to take a bite. Such smooth, white, juicy meat...
geez. I told my friend that I thought it looked kind of good, although I told myself to keep that thought in. She thought
I was absolutely crazy. I'm sorry but that squid looked good... people eat squid too, you know. I can't stop thinking about
it. You think I'm joking? I'm not. I will always have that sweet, sweet picture in my head... mmm... squid...
4/27/02 *Pictures*
I was talking to someone (who may possibly read this) and he seemed really cool. He showed no signs of extreme shallowness
and we had very decent and fun conversations. Then he mentioned how I don't like when people ask me for pictures on
He said because I clearly stated that I despise anyone who asks, he didn't ask. For that reason alone... yet it did not mean
he wasn't thinking it. We got into a huge argument. The reason I dislike people SO much when they ask me for pics is because
on FTJ I have 16 of them right there in my profile. You would think that would be enough, but noooo. He also thought the amount
on my website AND FTJ combined was not enough. Last time I counted, I had EXACTLY 100 pics of me on this very website. 100+16=116.
116 pictures is apparently not enough for some people, they STILL have to ask for more. This guy thought that I was crazy
for refusing to give people anymore pics and for disliking it SO much when they ask. He said that just because someone wants
more than 116 pics, they are not shallow. I'm sorry buddy, but if someone requests more than 116 pics of me, THEN THEY ARE
SHALLOW. I'd like to see anyone disagree.
4/27/02 *Sally's Stupidity*
You know the talk show, Sally, right? Well,
sometimes Sally is incredibly stupid (not to mention annoying). Look at this conversation:
Some Guy: Sally,
I think that you do not have to have children when you are married. You marry because of the love you have with your partner Sally:
No, I disagree. I strongly believe that you DO have to be married to have children. They need to grow up in a stable
That was absolutely NOT what that guy was saying!
She needs to learn to comprehend what people say, what an idiot.
5/10/02 *Books*
Some people might think this sounds weird, stupid, or odd, but
my favorite book is Lord of the Flies. I have never spoken to someone who loved it as much as I did. They either just like
it, think it's okay, dislike it, hate it, or think it is the absolute most stupid book ever written. A majority ranging in
the dislike area. I love it... not just the great symbolism and analysis, but just the wonderful adventure of it! I'd love
it even if I had no idea how to analyze it, but it sure does add much more to like.
Some people like books about people living normal civilian lives.
Problems occure, etc. I like books that take me out of civilian life. They take me far, far away and it's like I am there,
in a completely different and exciting world and forget where I am... it feels awesome. Then I'll snap back into reality and
be like, whoa, I'm not there, I'm here... in a normal life. Much like a dream! I'll be transported to a completely different
world, or a completely different society, so fascinating. I come back here and I'm disappointed. I like books like that. Huge-ass
adventure and excitement. Lord of the Flies is like that. It also makes you think... a lot. How things would be if... well,
I'd have to give a brief summary of the novel if you haven't read it so you know what I'm talking about. Frankly, I don't
really feel like doing that. I should because I really want to say more... it won't really be of any use though, will it?
I'll stop here then.
9/6/02 *Donkey Kong Country* Ah...
I've rediscovered the wonderful world of Donkey Kong. Perhaps I should start from the beginning...
When I was little, I got a Super Nintendo one Chrismas, along with the game Donkey Kong Country. I grew to love that game
so much. I would play it every day, I was obsessed. I was so happy when I finally beat it... and throughout the years, I became
so good at it that I could beat it in a matter of hours. Shortly after I got DKC, I got DKC2 and DKC3. With the help of a
friend, I beat those as well. The teamwork was incredible. Anyway, after a few year,
my rat chewed through the wires of my SNES and it was rendered unplayable. Oh well.
I went on without my SNES for years, growing up, slowely forgetting the wonderful world of Donkey Kong. Then I discovered
emulators and roms. Emulators are like video game systems that you download on your
computer. Actually, that is exactly what they are. So I downloaded Super Nintendo and jumped on downloading the roms (games)
of DKC, DKC2 and DKC3. I turned on DKC and it was as if I was sent back in time. All
those wonderful memories popped right out at me, and I was hooked. I remembered those
nights... sitting alone in my room with the lights off, playing DKC. I was in the game. My heart pounding, my palms sweaty
and cold, it was terrifying. It would all be going good... all quiet and calm... BAM! A kremling pops out at me and kills
me! I jump histerically, able to actually hear my heart. Thumpety thump! Thumpety thump! Thumpety thump! I take a deep breath
and try again. I go through all the trauma once again, but this time I make it. I sigh a huge sigh, sit back, and a tear rolls
down my cheek. A tear of happiness and joy. That is no exaggeration, my friend. That
was how it was. I never remembered that until a week ago when I played it on my emulator the music reminding me of the past.
Wow, it's just a game... I can't believe it was so intense. But it was. And it is.
Since I am older, the games do not effect my emotions to that extent anymore, but they still do effect it. Now I'm not so
sucked into the game, but realize that I am in my own separate world, not the world of Donkey Kong.
When I played DKC2 and DKC3, it reminded me of the times my friend and I would play. There were 3 modes in the games; 1 player,
2 player team, and 2 player contest. We always played 2 player team, and it was bliss. I don't know what it was... we were
both so intensely into the game, we both planned out strategies and figured out what we must do to beat each level, and we
both had the same goals. I realize that I probably will not have that blissful feeling
ever again. No one wants to play Donkey Kong now. That friend of mine is on his own somewhere, doing his own thing, I never
see him anymore. I know no one else. My mom said she might play with me sometime... but it's not the same. Mom doesn't feel
the same way as I did, and as I do now. She would just play for fun... I play to WIN! And having that goal makes it fun to
the end. You've just heard the story of how I rediscovered the wonderful world of
Donkey Kong. Now I must play.
2/7/03 *Power, Fame, and "Perilous Solitude"*
Dude, it's
been a while since I've put anything up. But here we go... What a feeling. Being known. Having
power. Being special. What am I speaking of? Composing. I compose pieces for the string orchestra. I'm in the orchestra at
school, and we play my pieces. Next week a concert is coming up and we will be playing 2 of my compositions. Today we sight
read one of them. Next week we will work on them intensely. The reason it's such a magnificent
feeling is because... I'm not just an ordinary cellist in the orchestra anymore. And when we are playing a piece of mine...
I think, wow, I am controlling what everyone in this room is doing. I'm making them do whatever I want! Every note, bowing,
staccato, rest... they are under my control! Okay... I'm not crazy. I have complete respect for all of my fellow string players
of course. But another feeling, being known. I am now known as a composer. My teacher talks about
me to other music teachers and composers. I'm famous! Well, maybe not. But in my school's tiny orchestral microcosm, I am.
It could represent all the orchestras, composers, and musicians of the world! A world famous composer, I'll be. Actually,
I doubt it. But it's okay to dream. I'm content with just being famous in my school's orchestra.
That being said, I'll leave you with a piece I just finished, entitled "Perilous
Solitude." (below) Yes... it represents my life, to a significant extent. I suppose I'll take you through
it. Perilous; dangerous. Solitude; loneliness and isolation. At one time my solitude seemed to become quite perilous.
The beginning of "Perilous Solitude" seems to have a subtle sadness... when I
was lonely... and hadn't exactly realized how much so. But I knew it wasn't good. When the bass
notes come in... it hits me. I am alone and miserable. And I dwell on this... represented by the constant, emotion-filled
8th notes. After the brief climax I suddenly try to think... come on, it's not so bad. I become
more calm. But it's just a cover up. And soon the dwelling with the 8th notes begins once more.
This time the impact hits harder, and the sadness become overwhelming. Shit! I can't take it anymore! Suicidal thoughts plague
my mind. I realize I have to put it all to an end. So the moment builds. And finally... it's
over. Don't worry, I won't really kill myself. But it certainly feels like I should sometimes.
And of course the sadness of solitude can become overwhelming. Such an emotional piece. I love it. I hope you will too.