Here are my animations.
They are mostly "stick death" animations, but there are a few exceptions. It will probably be a little while until I have
most of them up, since I have about 40 in all (and growing). Some of these are VERY old, while others are moderately new or
quite possibly brand new. Enjoy. Mua ha ha ha ha!!
They might go slow the first time you play them.
To play each animation over again, just refresh the page.
A Tragic Sickness
-- MaD CaT -- hand-drawn
A Redneck Story
Pirate Panic!
Parent's Are Such Hypocrites
That's A Shame
An Untitled Story, Part 1
An Untitled Story, Part 2
An Untitled Story, Part 3
An Untitled Story, Part 4
Anger Management
... And All He Wanted Was Some Ice
The Eye Stabbing
Ropes are Unsafe
Double Trouble
Skateboarding James
Escape From the T-rex
Hunter Van Pelt
Smoking Kills
Facing the Bowling Ball
Christel and David (By Codie)
Tripped and Got Shot
Killer Herbivore
The Skydiver
The Tree Climber
I make my animations using
either Microsoft Paint or Paint Shop Pro and I put them together using Animation Shop, which comes with PSP.